Let us take a closer look at appliance maintenance. All appliances are designed to last a specific period of time. Despite their varying build qualities, no appliance is immune to wear and tear. However, several steps can be taken to prolong their functional lifespan significantly.
Ignoring Manufacturer Instructions and Recommendations
In today’s world of advanced appliances, it is crucial to understand their correct operating procedures. Be mindful of any maintenance tasks that can contribute to their optimal functioning. More importantly, these manuals often include safety warnings that, if ignored, can pose hazards to the user and their property. By diligently following the manufacturer’s instructions, you can take control of the safety and longevity of your appliances.
Poorly Unprofessional Appliance Installations
Certain appliances require professional installation, particularly gas—and water-using appliances. A bad installation cannot only compromise your new appliance but also cause flood or fire damage to your property with potentially thousands of dollars in repairs. A professional installation is not only recommended but required for anybody who is not in the business of installing these types of appliances.
Neglecting Recommended Appliance Maintenance
Always be aware of your new appliance maintenance routines and perform them as scheduled or required. These steps ensure the appliance’s longevity and proper continuous functionality, such as filter changes, cleaning components, or emptying the water container on some newer washers to avoid bacterial growth and the bad smell associated with it.
Filter Replacement
Remember to regularly replace the filters in any appliance component that requires it. This is crucial for maintaining the efficient operation of the system. In the case of kitchen hoods, the filters act as grease traps, preventing grease and other particles from circulating in the air. Neglecting to replace these filters can result in poor air quality in our homes, potentially leading to health issues for ourselves and our families.
Lint in our Dryers
It’s essential always to remember to clean the lint in our dryers. Whether it’s an electric or gas dryer, it needs to generate heat, and keeping lint away from any heat source is crucial. According to the National Fire Protection Association, failing to remove lint is the leading cause of home fires.
Mold Growth
Water-based appliances are susceptible to mold growth, so the most effective way to address this issue is to ensure that washing machines remain as dry as possible. It’s important to keep both clothes and dishwashers dry after use. Instead of closing the appliance immediately after use, it’s best to leave it open to allow proper airflow for thorough drying.
If you have any questions or are having problems with any of your appliances, contact us so we can get them back working like new!